Pure McCartney spilleliste

Pure McCartney – glorifisert spilleliste

Takket være Spotify kan du lett sette sammen en spilleliste med de samme sangene som McCartney har valgt ut til sitt nye samlealbum, “Pure McCartney”. Og takket være Levi Weiss trenger du ikke engang å lage den selv, om du har Spotify trenger du bare å klikke her.
Noen av disse sporene er selvsagt hentet fra remastrene fra 1993, disse vil nok erstattes av nyere remastrede versjoner på det offisielle produktet.
Denne listen kan selvsagt også settes sammen på andre strømmetjenester hvor McCartneys katalog er tilgjengelig. Dette viser hvor unødvendig denne utgivelsen virkelig er. Det som ville ha vært langt hyggeligere utgivelser for fansen er om han hadde gitt oss “Cold Cuts”, det doble McCartney II albumet, det tapte 1987-albumet eller en Paul McCartney Anthology med sanger som ble utelatt på tidligere albumutgivelser.

‘PURE McCARTNEY’: 2CD – 39 spor

1. Maybe I’m Amazed
2. Heart Of The Country
3. Jet
4. Warm And Beautiful
5. Listen To What The Man Said
6. Dear Boy
7. Silly Love Songs
8. The Song We Were Singing
9. Uncle Albert / Admiral Halsey
10. Another Day
11. Sing The Changes
12. Jenny Wren
13. Save Us
14. Mrs Vandebilt
15. Mull of Kintyre
16. Let ‘Em In
17. Let Me Roll It
18. Nineteen Hundred and Eighty Five
19. Ebony and Ivory  

DISC 2:  
1. Band on the Run
2. Arrow Through Me
3. My Love
4. Live and Let Die
5. Too Much Rain
6. Goodnight Tonight
7. Say Say Say [2015 Remix]
8. My Valentine
9. The World Tonight
10. Pipes of Peace
11. Dance Tonight
12. Here Today
13. Wanderlust
14. Great Day
15. Coming Up
16. No More Lonely Nights
17. Only Mama Knows
18. With a Little Luck
19. Hope For The Future
20. Junk

‘PURE McCARTNEY’: 4CD – 67 spor

DISC 1:  
1. Maybe I’m Amazed
2. Heart Of The Country
3. Jet
4. Warm And Beautiful
5. Listen To What The Man Said
6. Dear Boy
7.  Silly Love Songs
8. The Song We Were Singing
9. Uncle Albert / Admiral Halsey
10. Early Days
11. Big Barn Bed
12. Another Day
13. Flaming Pie
14. Jenny Wren
15. Too Many People
16. Let Me Roll It
17. New

1. Live and Let Die
2. English Tea
3. Mull of Kintyre
4. Save Us
5. My Love
6. Bip Bop
7. Let ‘Em In
8. Nineteen Hundred and Eighty Five
9. Calico Skies
10. Hi, Hi, Hi
11. Waterfalls
12. Band on the Run
13. Appreciate
14. Sing The Changes
15. Arrow Through Me
16. Every Night
17. Junior’s Farm
18. Mrs Vandebilt

DISC 3:  
1. Say Say Say [2015 Remix]
2. My Valentine
3. Pipes of Peace
4. The World Tonight
5. Souvenir
6. Dance Tonight
7. Ebony and Ivory
8. Fine Line
9. Here Today
10. Press
11. Wanderlust
12. Winedark Open Sea
13. Beautiful Night
14. Girlfriend
15. Queenie Eye
16. We All Stand Together

DISC 4:  
1. Coming Up
2. Too Much Rain
3. Good Times Coming / Feel the Sun
4. Goodnight Tonight
5. Baby’s Request
6. With a Little Luck
7. Little Willow
8. Only Mama Knows
9. Don’t Let it Bring You Down
10. The Back Seat Of My Car
11. No More Lonely Nights
12. Great Day
13. Venus and Mars / Rock Show
14. Temporary Secretary
15. Hope For The Future
16. Junk

1. Maybe I’m Amazed
2. Heart Of The Country
3. Jet
4. Warm And Beautiful
5. Listen To What The Man Said
6. Dear Boy

1. Silly Love Songs
2. The Song We Were Singing
3. Uncle Albert / Admiral Halsey
4. Another Day
5. New

1. Mull of Kintyre
2. Sing The Changes
3. Jenny Wren
4. Mrs Vandebilt
5. Save Us

1. Let ‘Em In
2. Let Me Roll It
3. Ebony and Ivory
4. Nineteen Hundred and Eighty Five

1. Band on the Run
2. Arrow Through Me
3. My Love
4. Live and Let Die
5. Too Much Rain

1. Say Say Say [2015 Remix]
2. My Valentine
3. Goodnight Tonight
4. The World Tonight
5. Pipes of Peace

1. Dance Tonight
2. Here Today
3. Wanderlust
4. Great Day
5. Coming Up
6. No More Lonvely Nights

1. Too Many People
2. Only Mama Knows
3. With a Little Luck
4. Hope For The Future
5.  Junk

For å oppsummere:

· 8 spor fra Flaming Pie gir dette albumet størst tyngde
· INGEN fra Driving Rain eller Flowers in the Dirt
· NEW er representert med like mange spor som Ram og Band On The Run
· McCartney II er like representert som Tug of War

Vi tipper “Flowers In The Dirt” er utelatt fordi den straks dukker opp i Archives-serien hans.

Her er et skjema som viser hvor ting er hentet fra: