Et Internasjonalt Beatles Symposium, Liverpool 25.-26. mars 2023

Audun Molde til Liverpool med Beatlesforedrag.

Liverpool Hope University arrangerer et internasjonalt Beatles-symposium i anledning 60-års jubileet til “Please Please me” LPen. Audun Molde skal delta med to foredrag.

Dette er et akademisk symposium, i tilknytning til The International Association for the Study of Popular Music (IASPM). Det har neppe vært arrangert noe tilsvarende tidligere, ihvertfall ikke med så mange bidrag og deltakere. I det foreløpige programmet er det stor spennvidde, 27 forskjellige foredrag med folk fra flere land, alle på 20 minutter hver, om en rekke ulike Beatles-relaterte temaer. Pluss et panel med Liverpool-musikere, og en dokumentarfilm, «The City that Rocked the World» (Brightmoon Media Company).

I egenskap av å være IASPM-medlem og på basis av hans arbeid som musikkhistoriker og boka «POP. En historie» har Audun blitt invitert til å holde to ulike foredrag, ett om The Beatles gjennombrudd på 1990-tallet, og et om akkordbruk i George Harrisons sanger.

Alt foregår på engelsk. Her er en beskrivelse av de to foredragene Audun har lagd:

Lørdag 25. mars kl 9:30-10:00: The Second Greatest Comeback of the 1990s

It was twenty years ago since their breakup, when The Beatles regained their relevance and were rediscovered by audiences old and new. Their renaissance could be witnessed in the charts, in journalism, in new music, even in their hometown. Their legacy was undoubtedly a force behind the nostalgic concept of britpop. But The Beatles were never about nostalgia or looking back, and if they also may have inspired new music in the 1990s, we have to look elsewhere.

The Beatles were the second-bestselling artist of the decade, preparing new adventures for the next ones. In this presentation, the Norwegian popular music historian and music industry analyst Audun Molde will explore how The Beatles laid their foundation for the next Century.

Søndag 26. mars kl 16:30-17:00: The diminished George Harrison

Much have been said about George Harrison and Eastern musical influences. He was also a keen admirer of the music hall ukulele tradition, old American showtunes, slide guitar laments, the ancient Wilbury tradition and more, all of what makes his music so diverse and eclectic. More than most pop music songwriters today, he was very much into chord progressions and harmony. However, he had one favourite chord – the diminished one.

In this presentation, the Norwegian popular music historian and songwriting educator Audun Molde will explore how the sound of George Harrison’s favourite chord flows through his songs.

Symposiet holdes av Liverpool Hope University School of Creative and Performing Arts som en del av Angel Field Festivalen. Fullt program vil foreligge snart.


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